The Ugliest Babies in the World | Electric Lit
“The way we’ve been told, my girl cousins and I were born with broken faces.”

Firsts| Conjunctions
“The first time you learn the word
hymen, you are nine and your mother is screaming it at you.”


“It's Time to Rewrite the Rules of Historical Fiction” | Esquire
“When you write a historical novel, one of the most common questions you get asked is, how did you research your book?”

“Finding—And Writing—A Space for Myself” | Vogue
“It took years to learn that both my body and stories deserve to exist—the body regardless of its shape, the stories regardless of their origin.”

Flash Fiction

Miss Freckle | Waxwing
“There’s a freckle who lives on my nipple, on the southwest corner of my right breast.”

Tagged | Pidgeonholes
“A month after you die, I develop a skin tag under my armpit.”